FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

13 August 2013

TrackMania 2: Canyon, Stadium; ShootMania: Storm 50% off this week!

Nadeo made a wonderful announcement yesterday that all but one of their ManiaPlanet titles are 50% off at Ubisoft's uPlay store and their own GamesPlanet store this week!

That means you can get the following:

  • TrackMania 2: Canyon for $9.99 (normally $19.99)
  • TrackMania 2: Stadium for $4.99 (normally $4.99)
  • ShootMania: Storm for $9.99 (normally ($19.99)
If you're missing any titles, snag them now!  

Please note that the discount isn't being applied to the multi-packs on the GamesPlanet site as of this writing, but hopefully will be before the week is up.  If not, purchase each license individually so you can get TrackMania 2: Canyon/ShootMania: Storm at 3 for $30 or 5 for $50 instead of the normal 3 for $50 and 5 for $80; and TrackMania 2: Stadium at 3 for $15 or 5 for $25 instead of the normal 3 for $30 or 5 for $50.)

I will update this post if anything changes!