FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

31 March 2015

Best Wishes to SiREN

Our Frag Doll friends are all moving on to the next steps in their careers.  We're so glad we had some fun times with them through the ShootMania launch, TrackMania 10th LANniversary and more.

SiREN hosted our epic TrackMania 10th LANniversary party in November 2013, which was hosted as a hype session precursor to the official 10th LANniversary party in December.  It was 2.5 hours of awesome, where we pulled off the first (that I know of) All TrackMania Environments worldwide LAN/WAN tournament across three servers.

It was an incredibly special night and we are grateful SiREN was a part of it.

On behalf of the Friday Night Gamers, I would like to wish you the best of luck, SiREN, in your new adventures with Twitch... and you'd better keep in touch!