FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

29 September 2011

GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Tournament Prelims: Track Change Notice

Hey GEEX TrackMania 2 Canyon contestants!
I need to let you know of an update I had to make to the official track pack for the GEEX prelims on 07 October.

The atphavoc map called "Spare Parts 2" has a Push Forward (PF) start and we had a lot of contestants practicing on the Prelims server that the PF wasn't working correctly on each start/respawn.
I discussed this with atphavoc and he provided me an alternate track that doesn't have a PF start.  We ran it on the server tonight and have decided to use it instead of Spare Parts 2.

The track is called "Cradle of Speed" and I have made the change in the official prelims pack.  The GEEX Prelims server also reflects the update.

Good luck!

24 September 2011

GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Canyon Official Rules Update

Attention all TrackManiacs in the USA that are planning on or thinking about participating in our TrackMania 2 Canyon tournament at GEEX 2011!

I have made a change to the official rules regarding the scoring system.
The scoring system, originally based on Motocross Madness 2 (2000) tournament scoring (which I believe to be based on AMA Pro Racing MX scoring (or something similar)) has been updated to match the 2011 AMA Pro Racing MX scoring (See section 2.20 Championship Rules).

As always, make sure to read the official rules document for any updates, but here is how the new points system will work:

Points will only be awarded to those that finish the track during a round  (that hasn't changed.)
Points will be awarded to finishers in the following structure:

Finish PositionPoints

I tested this last night on the GEEX prelims server through 2 runs of all the tracks and an average of 13-20 people on the server.  It worked well and everyone seemed to like it.  I hope it will feel more fair to all participants.

21 September 2011

GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Canyon Tournament Details Finalized

I, along with Ubisoft, Intel and GEEX am proud to officially announce the first USA LAN event TrackMania 2 Canyon tournament since the game was released on 14 September 2011.  We're excited to be one of the first to help the United States get introduced to the ManiaPlanet universe.

We have finalized all details except the map pack that will be used in the finals.  This is because I have some of the best track authors in the TrackMania community hard at work creating tracks special for this year's GEEX tournament!

It gets better...

This year's tournament is free to enter and open to EVERYONE (just make sure to read the fine print below...)  We will be holding an online preliminary event on:
07 October 2011 9:00PM (Mountain time.)
Online - GEEX 2011 TrackMania prelims server

All details can be found at the official GEEX TrackMania 2 Canyon Tournament website.

The top 10 contestants in the online prelims will advance to the finals, which will take place:
14 October 2011 6:00PM
GEEX - South Towne Expo Center - Sandy, UT
Tournament stage

Ubisoft and Intel really came through for us.  Intel is sponsoring some really killer prizes... including:
1st place: Customized GEEX 2011/TrackMania 2 Canyon gaming laptop
2nd place: Boxed Intel i5 processor
3rd place: Boxed Intel i5 processor
(All finalists will also receive cool TrackMania 2 Canyon t-shirts)

We expect this to be an epic event and hope to see a ton of you there.  And if you're not in the competition or aren't fortunate enough to make it to the finals, come cheer on your friends and have a blast at this special event.

Register Now!!!

And now the fine print...
Note: All finalists are responsible for any travel/lodging necessary to permit them to participate in the GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Canyon tournament finals.

This Contest is open to legal U.S. residents (excluding residents of Rhode Island and residents of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and other United States territories), who are thirteen (13) years of age or older at the time of entry. Employees, officers, and directors of Sponsor, and each of their affiliated companies, subsidiaries, licensees, franchisees, distributors, dealers, sales representatives, their advertising and promotion agencies, and any and all other companies associated with the Contest (collectively, the "Promotion Entities"), and each of their immediate families (i.e., parents, spouse, siblings, children, grandparents, step parents, stepchildren and step siblings, and their respective spouses, and those living in the same household, whether or not related) are not eligible to participate. All eligibility is subject to all federal, state, provincial and local laws and regulations.

12 September 2011

GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Canyon Tournament Registration is Live

Register for the GEEX 2011 TrackMania 2 Canyon tournament

Registration is $35.00 and includes admission to the LAN party.

The competition is not team-based but the registration form allows to put your Team Name; so if you are registering and are part of a TrackMania racing team, make sure you and all of your teammates but the same Team Name (either acronym or full name - example: "FNG" or "Friday Night Gamers") so you'll all be grouped the same.

We hope to have participants from all over and from many different teams to come help us show off to the USA how great this game really is.  Come one, come all... Sign up now so you can come join us in one of the United States' first official LAN event TrackMania 2 Canyon tournaments, brought to you by Ubisoft!

07 September 2011

GEEX 2011 LAN Registration is Live - Tournament Registration Coming 08 Sept 2011

Register for the GEEX LAN party (price includes show admission/weekend pass)
First 50 people get EVGA t-shirts and lanyards.

Only 100 seats this year - so sign up SOON!

EDIT: I guess it helps to mention that GEEX 2011 is happening Friday and Saturday, October 14-15, 2011!!!  :)

Tournament sign-ups start tomorrow and will include the following games:
(according to the GEEX tournaments page at time of this post)
PC Tournaments
League of Legends
Starcraft 2
Team Fortress 2
Trackmania 2

Console Tournaments
Call of Duty: Black Ops
- TBA -
Halo: Reach
Super Street Fighter 4:AE

You read correctly.  This year, Ubisoft presents the first official USA LAN TrackMania 2 event, right here in Utah!

More details to come in the near future... so if you're interested, make sure you register early for the tournament!  If everyone that wants to participate is able to register for the LAN, we'll do our prelims on Friday at the LAN -- if not, we'll consider doing prelims online prior to the event and having the finals only at GEEX.

(Everyone interested in entering the tournament should go pre-order the game on the official website.  Pre-purchasing (only $25.00) gets you into the Multiplayer Beta going on right now; so you can start practicing before the release in a week!)

We're looking forward to an exciting TM2 tournament this year and can't wait to show America how awesome the new TrackMania is.

See you at GEEX 2011!