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09 June 2011

More TrackMania 2 Coverage by USA Gaming Media

TrackMania 2 Canyon's breathtaking visuals

Pure goodness... this is what I was hoping for with TrackMania 2 Canyon being revealed at E3 this year... positive press from the USA Gaming Media.  I hope this will bring a much larger fanbase to the United States since most USA PC Gamers haven't ever heard of the game.

It's about time since the series is near release of its 4th incarnation.  :)

Two really cool things I'd like to share this time are coverage from two major sources:
GameSpot and MaximumPC.com/PC Gamer.

I feel if PC Gamer will do some serious coverage, including in their magazine before September, TrackMania will explode in the US arena.

In the article on MaximumPC.com, PC Gamer discusses six PC games they believe to be dominating the show.  Not only is TrackMania 2 Canyon on the list (albeit incorrectly named in the article) ... but a screenshot of it appears first in the article, right under the headline!

This bodes well in my eyes... it's getting more/better press than I hoped so far.  Let's hope it keeps after E3 ends today.

Help spread the word!  It never hurts to add more TrackManiacs to the mix.


PS: See the Track Editor in action on PCGamer.com.  One cool thing about this interview is that it's one of the USA racers/track authors Ubisoft invited to be with them at E3.  He makes sure to mention that the entire game is "skinnable", as has been done in TrackMania United Forever.
PPS: Don't forget to check out all the videos on the official TrackMania site if you haven't seen them yet.

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