Tonight, while testing Motocross Madness 2 network connectivity in virtual machines (both Windows XP and Vista) across the internet with Thundr, I realized our website has been missing all of the Best Lap scores for probably 5 years or more! After successfully completing a multiplayer race on Machkeu Basin, we decided to look up the best lap to see how close we fared after many years away from the game. Seeing they were gone, I panicked and started searching my source code history to find them. After realizing I'd ported the site to a new repository and hadn't brought the history with it, I wanted to cry.
Thanks to the help of the Internet Archive "Wayback Machine" I was able to restore the missing records to our live site. This will make the upcoming Turkey Bowl LAN party more enjoyable as we make a long overdue comeback to MCM2!
Go check out what you're up against at our Motocross Madness 2 page. Some of the scores have VCR files that you can load in the game and watch the replay of the record being set. I don't know about you, but I'm setting my sights on shattering Dave Holland's records on "Machkeu Basin" and "Snowfields".
I'm really looking forward to some high-flying, spring-loading good times with you all as we bring back this epic classic to Friday Night Gaming! I can't wait to hit Bear Mountain and Halfgrand Playground for some intense stunt matches, "have a ball" in the smaller arenas playing Stunt Ball Tag, and get "TIMERED!" on the National tracks we love so much.
See you at the races!
Family Photo Reenactments
7 years ago