FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

15 June 2015

TrackMania Turbo - Coming 27 Nov 2015!

Alright Friday Night Gamers... get ready!

Nadeo and Ubisoft revealed today at E3 TrackMania Turbo, a $19.99 title that looks to be comprised of all TrackMania 2 environments enhanced (Canyon, Stadium and Valley), and features a brand new environment called Lagoon Rollercoaster!

Lagoon Rollercoaster
The new environment for
TrackMania Turbo
If we are honored to be a part of an alpha or beta, we will DEFINITELY be playing this for our traditional Turkey Bowl LAN party in November... if not, we'll have to play it after when it is released on 27 Nov 2015!

I will be contacting Nadeo to get more information, especially to find out if the platforms will all be able to play together and to see if Turbo will be a title pack available through ManiaPlanet or only through the Uplay store.  (It better be standalone through ManiaPlanet!!!)

Stay tuned!!!  For now, enjoy the trailer!
TrackMania Turbo - Announcement Trailer - E3 2015

05 June 2015

Fond FragDolls Farwell

It's official.  Ubisoft has decided to retire the Frag Dolls team.  This video was put together by Daze and includes many, if not all of the Frag Dolls' alumni.  We're sorry to see them go, but know that they are doing awesome things: advancing their careers, education etc.

We are grateful for the time the Frag Dolls spent with the Friday Night Gamers, especially during the ShootMania Launch and TrackMania 10th LANniversary events!  ThatOneGuy is especially thankful for the opportunities he had to meet some of the Dolls in-person at PAX Prime 2012 Seattle, and during his recent trip to San Francisco.

We wish each Frag Doll continued success and happiness in the different endeavors you pursue.  Thanks for a fun ride!

(Oh, and we still expect you to play ShootMania and TrackMania with us in the future sometime.  You can't escape that easily!)   ^_^

Good Game Dolls!