FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

08 October 2021

GEEX 2011 TrackMania Canyon Tournament 10th Anniversary



Attention all TrackManiacs!  The Friday Night Gamers (Team FNG) are proud to announce the 10th Anniversary of the first LAN tournament after the release of TrackMania 2 Canyon on the ManiaPlanet platform.  On 14 Oct 2011, Ubisoft in partnership with Intel, sponsored a TM2 Canyon tournament hosted by the Friday Night Gamers at the Gamers and Electronics Expo (GEEX) in Sandy, Utah at the South Towne Expo Center.

It was an incredible collaborative project involving many of the top map builders of the day, Nadeo, Ubisoft, Intel, the Friday Night Gamers and the awesome finalists who competed in the local live tournament.

We invite all to join us for a trip down memory lane as we play the 10 final maps on the:
Team FNG - Canyon: GEEX 10th Anniversary server in TrackMania 2 Canyon on:

Saturday 16 Oct 2021
1:30pm Mountain; 9:30pm CEST

This will be a "for-fun" tournament and will be tracked using the TournaMania software I built for the original GEEX tournaments.  Our server is set to hold 80 players and we hope you will help us fill it up.

We look forward to reliving the excitement of the original GEEX tournament and enjoying some legendary classic maps built by the amazing TrackMania community.

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