FNG Logo created by Nick Serr

01 July 2020

The new TrackMania is here!

Today is the day!  Ubisoft Nadeo has officially released their next installment in the wonderful Trackmania series.

It is a fresh new take on the popular Stadium environment, and has some incredible new blocks, physics tweaks and extras to make it thoroughly enjoyable.  The ice is crazy fun to play around on, and the reactor boosts are a hoot.

This version of the game is subscription-based with three different offerings, Starter (free), Standard ($9.99 USD/year) and Club ($29.99 USD / 1-year; $59.99 USD / 3-year).

There are different limitations on the lower tier of subscription, such as not being able to share your custom skins with other online players, or creating clubs and running dedicated servers.  Find out more on the official Trackmania website.

The game is available on Uplay and the Epic Games store.

The Friday Night Gamers are excited to play with you!  Join us in our Friday Night Gamers club server "Team FNG - Utah"

Community Launch Trailer

Official Launch Trailer

And I would like to send a special thank you to the fine team at Nadeo!  They allowed me the honor of helping them as an Alpha Tester for this game, and were kind enough to include all the alpha testers' names in the credits!

It's been a fun ride, literally.  Can't wait for the good times awaiting us in this new game!

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